Folks who have experienced infant loss, meaning that your baby died after birth typically some time in the first year, typically join our Stillbirth and Infant Loss Support Group. A sense of community can be an incredibly helpful resource to cope with the loss of your baby and the accompanying thoughts and feelings. For your first group, you can log in and just listen— no sharing required.

We also have a system set up in the case that you’d like to connect individually with someone from Empty Arms. You can choose from among these three options: 

  1. Text 413-570-0811 and send the message "Infant Loss Support". When we receive this message, we will have one of our infant loss support leaders give you a call back as soon as they possibly can.

  2. Call us directly: 413-570-0811. If we don't answer, leave us a message and we'll call you back. We are available to help to talk you through your options, your anxieties, and your feelings on a peer level.

  3. Send us an email via our contact form.

Beyond telephone support, a companion may be able to come to see you for an in-person visit if this would be helpful. We encourage you to reach out if you're feeling isolated and would like support. 

In the meantime, you can check out the As Long As I’m Living podcast: Hosted by friends Alina and Judith who met after their sons died of SIDS in 2020, this podcast touches on many aspects of baby loss and life after.