If you're a practitioner who works with people who may be miscarrying, we recommend that you put together a take-home kit of supplies that might be useful when that miscarriage occurs. 

These supplies not only may be helpful to her practically speaking, but they also provide professional, medical affirmation that for some families, it feels right to collect the products of conception and either explore the possibility of testing, or lay them to rest in a meaningful way. When paired with a compassionate brochure or handout that explains what someone may experience physically, these supplies offer a patient the sense that you as providers are aware that something important will happen to them when they leave the office. 

Each medical supply kit should contain: 

  • 1 pair of gloves

  • Hat for toilet

  • 2 or 3 large peri pads

  • 2 or 3 disposable chux pads

  • Specimen cup

  • Saline to preserve the specimen

  • Written information about miscarriage that explains both the physical process as well as the emotional process

Before you send someone home with this kit, make sure you take out its contents and explain what they are. Each individual should be reassured that these materials are available should she want to make use of them. Not everyone wants to catch or keep the remains of a miscarriage, and that's completely fine. We need to say this. However, as providers we also want to offer the possibility for each individual to save the products of conception in an uncomplicated, tidy way, and that's why we give out these kits. 

And, a note about language: most people who are miscarrying don't like the phrase "products of conception." You can ask a person what they'd like you to say. Does "pregnancy" feel comfortable? Do they view this as a baby? Don't be afraid to explore what feels comfortable to each family. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

If you don’t want to put together your own medical kits, you can click here to purchase kits through us.

If you're wanting to provide some emotional support along with the medical supplies, Empty Arms has compiled a comfort kit that includes:

  • Handwritten card from someone who has also experienced loss, stating "No one knows exactly what you are feeling and experiencing after your loss. But there are many of us who have experienced similar losses, and are here to help and support you. If at any point you feel our support would be helpful, please do not hesitate to reach out."

  • A booklet titled "Making it Through Your Miscarriage," which includes both basic medical information and many first hand accounts of people's varied experiences with miscarriage

  • A small box with a rose quartz, and a card which reads "We offer this to you as an expression of our sympathy. The loss of your pregnancy can be significant, and we want to honor the hopes, dreams, and love you had for your baby. We wish you courage as you begin to heal."

Please click here to purchase a comfort kit, or feel free to create something similar for your patients. 
